The Harvest to Share - Indigenous Food Access program reflects the tradition of sharing gifts of the harvest from our forest, field and freshwater food sources.
Launched in 2018, the program relies on community connections to build awareness and interest in contributing to Harvest to Share. Contributions include a range of Indigenous foods to the district of Manitoulin, including: moose, venison, fish, berries, and other gathered foods. The food can be requested for community gatherings, ceremonies, workshops, and households. Referrals can be obtained from Noojmowin-Teg Health Centre's service providers.
Phone: 705-968-0667
Recruitment process for large game contributors:
- Contributors for large game will be selected on a first come, first served basis, until allocated funds for the season are expended.
- To register: Contact Indigenous Foods Coordinator to receive the Contributor Registration form.
Contributor Responsibilities:
- Complete and return registration form prior to hunting dates
- All meat must be legally obtained, either through the Fish and Wildlife Act or Treaty Rights
- Contact Indigenous Foods Coordinator before transporting meat to butcher of choice
- Contributor is responsible for transporting meat to butcher
Noojmowin Teg Health Centre Responsibilities:
- Confirm registration with contributor
- Contact butcher of choice to arrange payment of invoice for basic cut and wrap only (unless prior approval granted)
- Pick-up of entire donation to be weighed and divided on-site, 1/3 (0.33%) of the meat must be donated, or more at the contributor’s discretion